The pythonic_sqlalchemy_query module provides concise, Pythonic query syntax for SQLAlchemy. For example, these two queries produce identical results:

pythonic_query = session.User['jack'].addresses['']
traditional_query = (
    # Ask for the Address...
    # by querying a User named 'jack'...
    select_from(User).filter( == 'jack').
    # then joining this to the Address '`.
    join(Address).filter(Address.email_address == '')


pip install pythonic_sqlalchemy_query

Use with SQLAlchemy

For most cases:

from pythonic_sqlalchemy_query import QueryMakerSession

# Construct an engine as usual.
engine = create_engine(...)
# Create a session aware of this module.
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, class_=QueryMakerSession)
session = Session()

# After defining some declarative classes, query away:
for result in session.User['jack'].addresses:
    # Do some processing on result...

The examples provide full, working code.

Use with Flask-SQLAlchemy

For most cases:

from pythonic_sqlalchemy_query.flask import SQLAlchemyPythonicQuery

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemyPythonicQuery(app)

# After defining some declarative classes, query away:
for result in User['jack'].addresses:
    # Do some processing on result...

The examples provide full, working code.


See the pythonic_sqlalchemy_query module.


This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.